Welcome to Day 1,937.

Today is a little heavier than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up, in While & After news, part 3 of Mitigating The Negativity Of Social Media has posted to the Kaycee And The Forefront page, while part 2 of Mitigating The Negativity Of Social Media has moved to Inflindication, Continued.

And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, the following additional updates have occurred:

  • Due to Closer placing 14 out of 49 in Tier 12, The Green Inferno was eliminated from Catch-22 Hundred contention
  • Due to The Edge Of Love placing 13 out of 49 in Tier 12, Missing In Action was eliminated from Catch-22 Hundred contention
  • Due to placing 30 out of 49 in Tier 12, A Remarkable Life has been eliminated from Catch-22 Hundred contention

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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